
Amateur Radio

T a k e O v e r T h e W o r l d . o r g


I am an amateur radio operator (KG4GJY). I have a few radios that are homebuilt.

Tiny Tornado

The first radio that wowed me growing up was a Tuna Tin radio. The entire transceiver was inside a large tuna tin. It had a place to connect an antenna, headphones, power and a telegraph key. The Tiny Tornado fills that spot for me. Tim built this for me.

Elecraft K1

This is the first kit that I put together. It is a big improvement over the Tiny Tornado.

Byonics Pocket Tracker

While on vacation in Florida I put together a Pocket Tracker. It uses a GPS to transmit the location of the tracker to the APRS network. An interesting thing to play with while out of town.

SoftRock v5.0

The SoftRock v5.0 is a Software Defined Radio. This was my first project that had surface mount parts that I had to install. The housing is wired like the Tiny Tornado.